Train to live EP1

Race is cancelled, Personal goal is not

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Train to live EP1:Race is cancelled, Personal goal is not

I have just gained my motivation back. I have to admit to you that I lost all of it since the last two weeks of March.

With the race I had trained for all cancelled. Also, the aviation and tourism industry was hit and effected by travel restrictions from many countries around the world. That means I will be out of job for at least a few month. Yes, I am scared, feel insecure and worried what future might hold for me and my family.

*How about you?
Did you have to cancelled your oversea trip?
Did your race cancel?
I have spent probably as much time as I need to finally realize the reasons I train when all the race were cancelled. Normally we always pick an event with a confirmed race date and train for it. It might be 12-16 weeks for standard , 70.3 triathlon or half , full marathon.

Don’t cancel your goal and Don’t stop training

Nobody knows when this pandemic situation will end and we definitely cannot control it.

*Do you have any weakness?
Do you have any personal goal?
What could you do to achieve your goal?
When time is on your side and suddenly it has become unlimited. It might be a good idea if you use this opportunity to work on your weakness and move a bit closer to your goal.

Your personal goal could be sub 45 or sub 50 minutes 10km. It might be maximum of average watt in 20 minutes of riding or sub 35 min in 20 km cycling. It might also about working and launching your new project. It could be a stronger core body. I believe you already had it in your mind.

With your consistent training and determination, when this situation end. You will become stronger and super ready for any race or any kind of situation.

Keep training and see you soon at start line !


IRONMAN U Certified Coach

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