4 simple steps to write your own triathlon training plan (Part 1)

No money to spend for coaching service. Don’t want anyone to tell what you should do. Let's start writing your own triathlon training plan by reading this blog.

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4 simple steps to write your own triathlon training plan (Part 1)

No money to spend for coaching service.

Don’t want anyone to tell what you should do.

Want to keep continue unstructured training plans

Many reasons some people still self trained and don’t want to get any advice or suggestion from professional coach.

That’s ok if you fall into this type of athlete. The good news is you can still get a good race result. The bad news is you have to really focus on analyzing and planning your own training plan if good result and personal best are your most important goal.

“What training and how many times of swim bike and run should I do in a week ?”

“What intensity should I train in every sport?”

“Should I add up weight training session?”

“As triathlon is an endurance sport. Can I do only endurance session just to cover the race distance?”

You might face these kind of questions before start planing your own program. It could bring an overwhelmed and confused feeling. Don’t worry. In this blog I will guide you step by step to write your own training plan.

Are you physically and mentally ready for triathlon training ?

Before you begin to train for a triathlon race. Ask yourself this question.

Definitely, It is physically not easy to train for three sports in the same time. **Are you ready?

It is also mentally hard to sometimes fall into many suffered training session and disappointed results. **Are you ready?

No matter what your and answer is. Now you get some ideas about what triathlon training look like.

If you race to just enjoy the vibes of endurance sport and just to finish. Yes you do not need any coach and you can do only zone 2 or endurance session for every time you train.

For those of you who “personal best” is the ultimate goal. Yes you can still achieve this goal by being a self trained athlete. Let’s move to step no.2

How much training time you have in a week ?

Available time to train is probably the most important factor to decide about what training you should do.

Training for sprint and standard distance triathlon require at least 4-5 sessions of 1-1:30 hours per week (Total of 5-8 hours/week).

Training for half and full distance need at least 4-6 sessions of 1:30 - 3:00 hours per week (Total of 8-15 hours per week )

Can you committed to those training hour while balancing your work, family and your own personal life?

To aim for better results, these are probably the minimum training loads you should do.

Yes you may train more than these but keep in mind that training loads are just only stress you apply to your body. Without a proper and well recovery (quality sleep hours and good nutrition) your body will never adapt to all the training loads you have put it into.

Next week we will talk about ways you can get and design your own training zone. Also about numbers of session in each sport you should do to get your best result. Plus some race day tips to get you to finish line faster and stronger. Stay tune.

Take care

TC Triathlon
Ironman Certifed Coach

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TC Triathlon

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